CCM19 already helps 199.928 websites to comply with DSGVO, TDDDG & Co.

CCM19 Logo Banner A selection of our Cookie Consent customers


The most important about the Cookie Consent Tool CCM19 first!


Hosted in Germany

All services and offers are completely hosted in Germany - there is no data transfer to US providers.


Download / OnPremise

The world's only system-independent CMP that you can run completely locally and on your infrastructure if you wish.


Layout options

Theme manager with hundreds of options for color, shape, size, positioning, font, branding, behavior and more.


Cookies automatically blocked

Using the built-in onboarding mechanism, all known cookies are automatically detected, blocked and correctly written.


Customer satisfaction

For all problems and questions, our English-speaking and competent support is at your disposal.



Languages supported

You can display both banners and administration in the most widely used languages worldwide.



CCM19 - Cookie Consent Manager / Tool

CCM19 Consent Tool

Obtain Cookie Consent in compliance with the law!

Always completely on the safe side with all legal requirements (BGH, EuGH, DSGVO, TDDDG) for the technical implementation of a cookie banner.

Fitting & seamless integration!

Optimal user experience through complete adaptation to your design/CI. This way you achieve the highest possible OptIn rates.

Updates included!

If legal frameworks change, you get necessary adjustments free of charge. You don't have to keep an eye on the legal framework anymore.

All data in Germany!

The entire infrastructure including all servers is hosted entirely in Germany - no data is exported to an unsafe third country (e.g. the USA).

Start now for free and try it out

Sophisticated special version for agencies and providers


For agencies and hosting providers we offer a special NoLabel version (Agency/Hosting Version), which you can distribute under your own brand.

This version also offers a headless API to create users in CCM19 with external systems - so you can connect the system optimally with your booking system.


The Agency/Hosting version of CMP CCM19 is multi-tenant, which means that you can manage as many customers or your own websites as you want with one installation.

Each customer has his own login. Here he can process his cookie data - with any number of domains.

Fair prices

The CCM19 Agency Version is charged per domain / per month. Of course the price can be staggered by quantity

to the Agency Version

Cookie Consent Tool as download variant

Cookie Consent Manager CCM19 - Security

Your visitors - your data - all on your server.

The complete software runs here on your server or your account with your provider. Depending on the traffic, the technical requirements are minimal.

All data about all visit(s) remain completely under your control in the download variant. No data is transferred to external servers or services.

Many otherCookie Consent tools include scripts from external servers and also transmit data there. With the CCM19 Cookie Consent Tool download variant, you are completely independent and retain 100% control over your data and that of your visitors. Access by third parties is thus excluded.

The CCM19 Cookie Consent Manager Download Version is bookable in all tariffs starting from the small Starter tariff.

If you can't or don't want to install it on your webserver, just use the normal service or cloud version. an.

View prices now

The consent is logged in the CCM19 Cookie Consent Tool

The DSGVO requires to log the consent of each user (Art. 7 para. 1 DSGVO). Therefore, there is a documentation of all data in this Cookie Consent Manager - for everyone who gives consent

The history of the consent is traceable on the administrative side at any time and can be displayed for each visitor.



Updateable Cookie Consent Tool per click & automatically

CCM19 is an updateable Cookie Consent Manager. This means you don't have to reinstall it. Once installed, one click on "Update" is enough to bring CCM19 to the latest version.

Automatic updates are also included. Customers who still rely on the older versions can perform a manual update and then activate the automatic updates.

Cookie Consent Manager - design customizable

Cookie banner layout

Colors, blocking, nonblocking, layout, logo, position, text etc.

In this Cookie Consent Manager you can set the design as you need it - CCM19 is completely customizable to your CI.

It is even possible in many tariffs to control the design via individual CSS. So the appearance is completely customizable. Of course there are useful default settings, which you don't have to change - but you can.

Try now for free

FAQ about the Cookie Consent Manager

Is there an installation service?

Yes - you can conveniently book the installation service in the shopping cart. To do this, click on the desired product in the price table. You will then be redirected to the shopping cart where you can book the installation service.

Is CCM19 available for every system?

CCM19 is basically available for every system and works technically out of the box in more than 99.99% of cases as long as the CCM19 code snippet can be integrated correctly. (You have to be able to get into the car to drive it)


Is there an online demo version?

You can view the online demo version here - it is fully functional and is reset to the initial state every 30 minutes. Click here to go to the CCM19 demo page.



Minimum term and notice period?

There are no long terms in the tariffs and therefore no long periods of notice. The term is always one month / year (depending on your wishes and selection) and can be terminated by either party at any time at the end of the term. It doesn't get much fairer than that.

Will all my data remain under my control?

Yes, the download version of CCM19 offers you this option and for this reason does not transmit a single data record of your visitors to any external server or service.

In the cloud service version, the anonymized data is transferred to our servers. No evaluation/processing of personal data takes place.

All FAQ articles on one page!

Do you need more answers to your questions? Then read the detailed CCM19 Cookie Consent FAQ.

You can find the CCM19 online documentation here. If you have any further questions, simply give us a call(+49 228 536 637 26) or write to us.

199.928 websites in Germany
rely on the Cookie Consent Tool CCM19

Cookie Consent Manager Features

  • Compliant with BGH ruling of 28.05.2020
  • TDDDG / DSGVO compliant
  • Templates for hundreds of the most important cookies from Google Ads, Analytics, Facebook, Matomo and many more.
  • Integrate your own logo
  • Output individual texts
  • Multilingual admin interface
  • Multilingual frontend with language selection
  • Multi-client capability in the Agency version
  • Headless API in the Agency Version
  • NoLabelable
  • Integrated geolocation - cookies only for visitors from EU
  • Cookie Box easy to design
  • Individual fonts possible
  • Reload of the website not necessary
  • Do not show widget on imprint/privacy pages
  • Freely definable time for forced reset of cookie consent
  • Consent sharing across (sub)domains
  • Template and instructions for Google TagManager
  • Exclude URLs from certain cookies/scripts
  • Include arbitrary JS code and get consent for it
  • Custom CSS possible
  • Fulfill accessibility requirements such as lock focus, optimize contrast ratios, optimized HTML, etc.
  • Detection of JS insertion (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo)
  • Individual cookie runtime possible
  • Do-not-track support
  • Permanent cookie and script scanner with log function
  • Acceptance of recognized cookies
  • Dynamic cookie table for integration into privacy page
  • New cookies can be automatically preset via cookie database
  • Export of all consent data possible
  • API for data query
  • Frontend mask (de)activatable
  • Various show/hide options
  • Integration via JS code snippets into any site/system
  • CMS/shop system independent
  • Full data control, as open source and on own server (download version)
  • Consent by cookie groups
  • Detection of foreign cookies
  • Automatic deletion of foreign first-party cookies
  • Detection of uncontrolled integration of Javascript
  • Automatic updates
  • E-mail to operator in case of updates incl. changelog
  • Use of placeholders
  • Automatic display of administration icons

Cookie Consent Tool system requirements

The cloud version has no special system requirements!

The Self Service/Download version
only needs PHP 7.2 or higher and the module mod_rewrite on your LAMP server to work.
NGINX is also possible - a configuration file is included in the download.

Ergo: Everywhere, where a CMS or store system runs, CCM19 runs too.

A database is not necessary. CCM19 is compatible with all current CMS and store systems and can be integrated everywhere.
The service tariffs only require the possibility to include a Javascript in your site - an installation is not necessary!
You only have to make sure that the CCM19 script can be integrated into the page first.
Nearly all providers allow this.


To the CCM19 versions and prices

A selection of our Cookie Consent customers A selection of our Cookie Consent customers



