
Planet 49 as a precedent: BGH ruling on opt-in for cookies

BGH ruling: Opt-In or Opt-Out?

The ruling of the BGH related to an online offer and the question of whether real consent must be obtained when cookies are set, or whether a "You can continue surfing if you like" banner is sufficient. More precisely: whether the checkboxes in the banner may be pre-filled

BGH-Urteil: Opt-In oder Opt-Out?

New version 2020.04.27

Script Recognition

There were 79 commits in our development server, many bugfixes but also some substantial enhancements. Account-wide themes for all domains integrated - i.e. you can set and manage a theme across all your own domains without having to go into the individual administration of the domains, automatic script blocking and much more.

New version 2020.04.27

What do my cookies look like?

Cookie Licker

Where are the cookies actually stored, what is in the cookies and which cookies were stored on my computer? Just take a look at the cookies that have been stored on your computer so far. Here you can find out how to access and read the cookies.

What do my cookies look like?

New version 2020.03.06

Languages can now be activated

91 commits have been added to our development server, including bug fixes as well as some useful enhancements. New languages were added ("fr", "es", "pt", "it", "nl", "pl", "ru"). The language files have been translated, as well as the contents for the languages - except for the cookies. This data must be set individually. Powered By Links can now be made more individual ...


New version 2020.03.06

BGH judgement on cookies - realise active consent with CCM19 cookie banner

Cookie BGH judgement

On 28.05.2020, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) ruled in a judgment on the subject of cookie management that websites / online shop operators may only set cookies with the explicit consent of visitors. In the long-awaited ruling, the BGH has thus decided in the sense of the Federation of German Consumer Organisations.

BGH judgement on cookies - realise active consent with CCM19 cookie banner

Good cookies vs. bad cookies


You can find out what "good cookies" or "bad cookies" are here in our blog post. Read more about data protection on the Internet and cookies.

Good cookies vs. bad cookies

What cookies are and how they work

Wow, what and where)

Normally, cookies are nothing more than biscuits (cookies). But on the Internet, cookies are tiny text files that allow the servers on the Internet to identify a visitor to a website and store settings appropriate to that visitor. This means that the visitor to the website does not have to keep repeating and re-entering settings, for example passwords that have already been entered. Read more about this topic here.

What cookies are and how they work

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Become an Affiliate Partner at CCM19You are convinced of CCM19 and would like to recommend it? You want to earn money with it? No problem, just become a member of our affiliate or partner program! This is what you have to do to participate: Sign up, include referral link on your site, get 20% of net sales value for each sale you generate and verify.

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